List of Our Services
The following is an overview of the services we provide to ViVID's partner organizations such as companies, NGOs and students through our One Team Approach.
A. Community Support
・Construction, administration and management of the center
・Provision of workshops and other activities at the center
・Join project with University Club
・Outreach projects
B. Development Research Studies and Analysis
・Survey Research of basic information
・Publishing websites with statistical information
・Field research for graduation thesis
・Research for individual requests from companies and NGOs
C. Global Partnership
・Provision of basic information: this is done on the local communities by ViVID (collected in Operation 2 for SDG target)
・ Research for individual requests : Conducting research on specific fields in which Japanese companies and NGOs specialize (customized research)
・Local partner introduction: Matching with companies and NGOs on the Ghanaian side that may be able to partner up
・Public relations support: Setting up meetings with companies and NGOs on the Ghanaian side, assisting in communication
・Accept the inspection teams: Coordination of inspection visits and preparation of accommodations for Japanese companies and NGOs on field site visits.
・Business management support: Officially launch projects as a One Team partner